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Norton Correctional Facility

by David Thompson — last modified Feb 07, 2025 (04:32 AM)

Norton Correctional Facility
NCF Satellite Unit
11130 Road E4
Norton, KS 67654-0546


At the close of 2013, NCF’s capacity was 835 adult male inmates. Capacity at the main-custody compound was 707 adult male inmates, with 539 medium-security beds and 168 minimum-security beds. NCF’s satellite unit at Stockton’s had a capacity of 128 minimum-security beds.

As with other facilities under the management of the Secretary of Corrections, education, health services and food services are provided through contracts with private vendors.


The following are programs and services available at Norton Correctional Facility:

As with other facilities under the management of the Secretary of Corrections, education, health services and food services are provided through contracts with private vendors.

NCF currently has Vocational Education programs including Building Maintenance, Carpentry, and Medium Vocations [manufacturing skills], available. Staff from Colby Community College and through Greenbush offer Academic Education classes to residents that include reading, writing, science, and math. Learned skills are applied to testing for their GED.

Residents also gain employment skills and a strong work ethic through participation in community service work, and NCF’s prison-based and non-prison based private industries programs including Wilkens at Stockton, KS.

NCF also offers resident programs which include physical and Behavioral Health services, and resident self-help programs such as Alcoholics and Narcotics Anonymous.

RADAC is also a program offered at NCF for minimum and medium custody offenders. RADAC is a Substance Abuse Program. This 39 session Cognitive Behavioral Interventions for Substance Abuse is a curriculum designed for individuals who are moderate to high need in the area of substance abuse. The class is taught by RADAC Staff. This class relies on a cognitive-behavioral approach to teach participants strategies for avoiding substance abuse. There are six modules that consist of Motivational Engagement, Cognitive Restructuring, Emotional Regulation, Social Skills, Program Solving, and Relapse Prevention.

NCF’s Behavioral Health Department provides individual and group therapy for residents including therapy groups covering such areas as anger management, dialectical behavior therapy, Fundamental Lessons in Psychology, lifestyle change, relationships, and a parenting group.

In addition, NCF partners with a community organization through the Second Chance Homeless Pet Society to provide basic dog obedience training and grooming for dogs that are placed up for adoption upon completion of the program.

Second Chance Homeless Pet Society

R.R. 3 Box 78

Norton, KS 67654

(785) 877-5219



We are a non-profit organization which began in 1997 with the placement of two puppies at the Norton Correctional Facility. The dogs are placed with inmate dog handlers who train the dogs in the areas of housebreaking, basic obedience and socialization. The dogs remain at the facility for at least 30 days while members of our organization locate new homes for the dogs. We have an adoption fee of $85 to help cover spay/neuter costs, shots, food, etc.

Six-year-old Lab mix
Would make a good companion for an older person.

One-year-old Blue Heeler

Visitation Information

Once a resident is eligible for visiting privileges, the resident is responsible for ensuring that his visitors receive the necessary paperwork or instructions to register as visitors. For more information, please review IMPP 10-113D: Offender Visitation and IMPP 12-115D Search of Visitors.

Holiday Visitation

Information about visitation during holidays

Inmate visitation at Kansas correctional facilities will be provided on the following four state holidays:  Christmas Day, Memorial Day, Fourth of July and Thanksgiving Day. If either Christmas Day or the Fourth of July holiday falls on a Saturday or a Sunday, or other day where a facility has regularly scheduled visitation, the holiday will be incorporated within the regular visitation schedule and an additional visitation day will NOT be scheduled.

Inmate visitation will NOT be provided on the following state holidays, unless the holiday falls on a Saturday or Sunday, or other day where the facility has regularly scheduled visitation:  New Year’s Day, Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, Labor Day, Veterans Day and the day after Thanksgiving.

Standard Visitation Guidelines

NCF General Order 16-101, Attachment B, Effective 11-22-2019


1 Prior to visiting a resident at NCF, each visitor shall be on the resident's visiting list in the KDOC Visitation Database. General procedures governing resident visitation are established in KAR 44-7-104, IMPPs 10-113 and 11-101, and NCF G.O. 16-101.
2 Regular visiting hours are 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. on Saturdays and Sundays; and Memorial Day, July 4th, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. Visitors shall not be processed in for a visit after 2:00 p.m.
3 Volunteers shall not be placed on resident visiting lists. Members of the clergy and Mentoring 4 Success sponsors are exceptions. Volunteers shall not be placed on resident visiting lists. Members of the clergy and Mentoring 4 Success sponsors are exceptions.
4 Visitors may only appear on one resident's visiting list except when visitor and more than one resident are members of the same immediate family. Immediate family is defined as parents, step-parents, siblings, spouses of siblings, half-siblings, step-siblings, children, spouses of children, step-children, grandchildren, step-grandchildren, spouse, parents of spouse, grandparents, or any person who has filled the role of parent de facto.
5 Persons under age eighteen (18), except a spouse, shall not visit unless they are members of the resident's immediate family as described in #4 above and are accompanied by an adult per KAR 44-7-104(a)(2)(B). Parents/guardians are responsible for monitoring behavior of their children. Spanking/corporal punishment shall not be allowed.
6 Visitors shall present photo-ID prior to each visit. A marriage license or birth certificate shall be required for persons under age sixteen (16) who cannot produce a photo ID. Persons unable to produce positive ID shall not visit.
7 All visitors shall check in at Control Center (Dispatch at East Unit) and sign the visiting register. Once signed in for a day of visiting, visitors shall not leave and return the same day. Due to limited waiting areas, persons not visiting shall not loiter on facility grounds.
8 Visitors are subject to search per IMPP 12-115 and must be processed through the Entry/Screening post. Signs are displayed near entrances which read: In English: "All persons entering upon these grounds are subject to routine searches of their person, property, or packages.", and In Spanish: "Todas personas que entren en esta terretorio tendran que ser esculcadas rutinamenta de persona, propriedades, o paquetes."
9 If a resident refuses to see a particular visitor, such refusal shall be noted in the resident's visiting record.
10 Coats, jackets, hats, and other seasonal outer wear shall be hung on hangers provided in the visiting area. Specific types of clothing are not considered appropriate for prison visitation and include, but are not limited to: a. See-through blouses, shirts, or skirts; b. Tank tops and/or halter tops; c. Dresses/blouses with revealing, low-cut necklines; d. Braless attire; e. Dresses or skirts split at front, back, or sides; f. Bare feet; and, g. Shorts, Bermuda shorts, or cut-offs (children under 10 years of age may wear appropriate shorts during summer months) * NCF reserves the right to deny access to visitors considered by the shift supervisor to be inappropriately attired. Coats, jackets, hats, and other seasonal outer wear shall be hung on hangers provided in the visiting area. Specific types of clothing are not considered appropriate for prison visitation and include, but are not limited to: a. See-through blouses, shirts, or skirts; b. Tank tops and/or halter tops; c. Dresses/blouses with revealing, low-cut necklines; d. Braless attire; e. Dresses or skirts split at front, back, or sides; f. Bare feet; and, g. Shorts, Bermuda shorts, or cut-offs (children under 10 years of age may wear appropriate shorts during summer months) * NCF reserves the right to deny access to visitors considered by the shift supervisor to be inappropriately attired.
11 Except as permitted during Minimum Security Seasonal Outdoor Visiting, visitors shall not bring any item of personal property to the facility for residents and shall not exchange items in visiting areas with residents. PLEASE NOTE: TRAFFICKING IN CONTRABAND IN A CORRECTIONAL INSTITUTION IS ILLEGAL in accordance with KAR 44-2-103 and is a severity level 5 or 6, non-person FELONY (depending on the circumstances involved) under KSA 21-3826. Except as permitted during Minimum Security Seasonal Outdoor Visiting, visitors shall not bring any item of personal property to the facility for residents and shall not exchange items in visiting areas with residents. PLEASE NOTE: TRAFFICKING IN CONTRABAND IN A CORRECTIONAL INSTITUTION IS ILLEGAL in accordance with KAR 44-2-103 and is a severity level 5 or 6, non-person FELONY (depending on the circumstances involved) under KSA 21-3826.
12 Visitors shall lock valuables in their vehicle or in Gatehouse lockers (including purses, wallets, keys, and books). Necessary heart medicines and oxygen tanks shall be exempt. Cell phones, batteries, chargers, and cameras must be secured in vehicles. NCF shall not be responsible for items of personal property.
13 The only items visitors may bring into the visiting area are: a. Money for vending machines and food (maximum amount of $30.00); b. Photo identification; c. Issued Gatehouse locker key; d. Infant carrier; e. One (1) diaper bag containing: three (3) diapers (cloth or disposable) and reasonable amounts of extra baby clothing; two (2) infant bottles (with milk or juice) and/or two (2) training cups (with lids); one (1) baby or toddler cereal bowl (with baby food and utensils); one (1) infant blanket; two (2) infant toys/rattles; one (1) tube of diaper rash ointment or baby lotion; and, one (1) wet wipes dispenser.
14 Vending machines are available for use by visitors, however, NCF staff shall not provide change. NCF and staff shall not be responsible for losses incurred due to vending machine malfunctions. All losses should be reported to the vendor.
15 Facility staff shall not accept funds from visitors. Money orders, certified, or cashier checks may be mailed (with a required deposit coupon) to Centralized Inmate Banking (CIB) at Lansing Correctional Facility (LCF) for deposit. Western Union and/or GTL services may also be used to transmit funds.
16 Members of the clergy, when properly identified, may visit residents during regular visiting hours. Private consultation rooms may be utilized. Special visits by clergy shall be arranged through both Unit Team and the NCF Chaplain.
17 Ex-residents shall not visit without prior written approval of the Warden or designee. Visitors on post-release supervision (probation/parole) shall not visit without prior written authorization of their probation/parole officer and the Warden.
18 Former KDOC employees and former contract employees shall not visit for a minimum of two (2) years following termination of employment. Approval of visits after two (2) years shall be at the discretion of the Warden.
19 Residents shall not take legal documents to the Visiting Room for discussion with their attorney of record without prior approval of the Warden or designee. Inspection of this material shall be limited to that which is necessary to determine its legal or non-legal nature.
20 Attorneys of record for the resident visited shall not carry any items or papers into the Visiting Room without prior approval of the Warden or designee.
21 Residents shall not sign documents in the Visiting Room without approval of the Warden or designee.
22 Residents shall be allowed to bring only the following items into the Visiting area: a. Comb b. Wedding band c. Prescription eyeglasses d. Approved religious medallion e. Room key - (A and C Unit residents only) Residents shall be allowed to bring only the following items into the Visiting area: a. Comb b. Wedding band c. Prescription eyeglasses d. Approved religious medallion e. Room key - (A and C Unit residents only)
23 Contact visits shall be limited to a brief embrace and kiss at the beginning and end of the visit. Visits may be terminated for excessive physical contact. Visits shall be terminated when resident-visitor conduct disrupts others. Mothers may breastfeed children per KSA 43-158.
24 Visitors shall not photograph NCF buildings, grounds, or residents. Persons taking unauthorized photographs shall surrender film or digital media to staff.
25 Persons suspected of being under the influence of alcohol or drugs shall be denied visiting privileges.
26 NCF is a tobacco-free environment. All smoking paraphernalia (lighters/matches), tobacco products, and tobacco substitutes shall be secured in vehicles.
27 Visitors shall not bring pets onto facility grounds in accordance with NCF G.O. 15-104.

Special Visits

1 Subject to IMPPs 10-113 and 11-101, and NCF G.O. 16-101, residents may receive one (1) special visit during the week. Regular weekend visits disqualify a resident for a special visit the following week.
2 Visiting hours for special visits shall be between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Unless circumstances dictate otherwise, requests for special visits shall be initiated by the resident via Form 9 to his Unit Team Counselor. Special visits may be arranged when: a. Visitation on regular visiting days conflicts with the visitor's work schedule. Work schedules shall be verified through visitor's employer. b. A visitor resides a distance of at least 150 miles (one-way) from NCF. c. A resident has received less than two (2) visits during the previous three (3) months. d. Other correctional/rehabilitation goals indicate a need for a special visit.

NCF Denial of Visits or Access to the Facility

1 The Unit Team or Shift Supervisor may terminate or deny visitation for: a. Reasonable belief that a visitor is under influence of alcohol or drugs; b. Lack of space - (after appropriate attempts to accommodate each resident visit have been exhausted); c. Refusal to submit to search authorized by IMPP 12-103D; d. Failure to produce sufficient ID or falsifying visitor application information; e. Failure to comply with any rule, regulation, policy, or procedure governing visitation; f. Failure to properly supervise children; g. For excessive physical contact or disruption to other visitors; h. Reasonable belief that a visitor has introduced or attempted to introduce contraband into the facility.
2 The Unit Team or Shift Supervisor may terminate or deny a visit if a resident's current mental or emotional state may cause a threat to secure facility operations or cause disruption to the visiting environment if a visit occurs.
3 The Shift Supervisor shall submit a written report to the Warden, prior to the end of the shift, on any decision to deny a visitor access to the facility, relocate a visit to a non-contact visiting booth, or terminate a visit.
4 The Warden and/or Deputy Warden may suspend visiting privileges in accordance with KAR 44-7-104 and IMPP 10-113D. The Warden shall determine the length of any suspension in accordance with KAR 44-7-104.
5 The Warden may deny access to any person requesting authorization to visit a resident at the facility.

NCF Denial of Visits or Access to the Facility


1. The Unit Team or Shift Supervisor may terminate or deny visitation for:

a. Reasonable belief that a visitor is under influence of alcohol or drugs;
b. Lack of space – (after appropriate attempts to accommodate each resident visit have been exhausted);
c. Refusal to submit to search authorized by IMPP 12-103D;
d. Failure to produce sufficient ID or falsifying visitor application information;
e. Failure to comply with any rule, regulation, policy, or procedure governing visitation;
f.  Failure to properly supervise children;
g. For excessive physical contact or disruption to other visitors;
h. Reasonable belief that a visitor has introduced or attempted to introduce contraband into the facility.

2. The Unit Team or Shift Supervisor may terminate or deny a visit if a resident’s current mental or emotional state may cause a threat to secure facility operations or cause disruption to the visiting environment if a visit occurs.
3. The Shift Supervisor shall submit a written report to the Warden, prior to the end of the shift, on any decision to deny a visitor access to the facility, relocate a visit to a non-contact visiting booth, or terminate a visit.
4. The Warden and/or Deputy Warden may suspend visiting privileges in accordance with KAR 44-7-104 and IMPP 10-113D. The Warden shall determine the length of any suspension in accordance with KAR 44-7-104.
5. The Warden may deny access to any person requesting authorization to visit a resident at the facility.

The Haven House

Owned and operated by the non-profit organization Northwest Kansas Inmate Resource Council, Inc., the Haven House provides overnight accommodations for a nominal fee to families visiting residents at the Norton Correctional Facility.

The Haven House is a fully furnished, three-story house with a kitchen stocked with pots, pans, and dishes for those wanting to prepare their own meals. For more information about costs and other details, please contact the Haven House directly at:

The Haven House
813 North Grant Street
Norton, KS 67654
(785) 874-4043

Current Supplemental Visitation Guidelines

NCF General Order 16-101, Attachment B, Effective 11-22-2019


  1. Prior to visiting a resident at NCF, each approved visitor must have scheduled a visitation appointment by using the online visitation scheduler, www.icsolutions.com, or by contacting the facility visitation clerk. General procedures governing resident visitation are established in KAR 44-7-104, IMPPS 10-113 and 11-101, and NCF G.O. 16-101. Additional information related to ICSolutions may be found at:
  2. Regular visiting hours are 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. on Saturdays and Sundays; and Memorial Day, July 4th, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. Currently, there are two timeframes visitors may choose from (visits are two hours in length):

    First Option: 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. (screening process will begin at 8:30 a.m.)

    Second Option: 12:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. (screening process will begin at 11:30 a.m.)

  3. Residents may have one visit per week with no more than two visitors allowed.
  4. Visitors may schedule one visit per week. Visits must be scheduled a minimum of 72 hours in advance but no more than two weeks in advance. Scheduling will close 72 hours before visitation begins at the facility for that week. Anyone who has not followed this process will be denied access to the facility. Visitors are encouraged to call the facility prior to the 72-hour cutoff to ensure their visit has been scheduled.
  5. Visitors are required to provide their own masks. Visitors must wear their mask upon arrival to the facility and are required to wear their mask properly throughout the entire visit. Children over the age of two are required to wear a mask. Masks must be kept on at all times and must cover the mouth and nose.
  6. Residents are required to wear their mask properly for the duration of their visit.
  7. The health of every visitor, resident, and staff member participating in in-person visitation is a high priority. Upon arrival, each visitor will be screened in the Administration Building Lobby or in the Gatehouse where they will be required to have their temperature taken and will be asked a series of questions regarding symptoms or contact with anyone within the last 14 days suspected of having the Coronavirus. If symptoms or a fever are present, access to the facility will be denied and the visit will be cancelled. We encourage every visitor to be healthy and mindful of these requirements before traveling to the facility.
  8. If screened in the Administration Building Lobby and if cleared to enter the facility, the visitor(s) will be given a form which verifies they were screened. Visitors will then proceed to the Gatehouse where they will present their health screening verification form to proceed with security screening before entering the facility.
  9. Hand sanitizer will be available in the Gatehouse for each visitor to use as they are being processed in. Hand sanitizer will also be available at each visitation site.
  10. Upon entering the visitation area, visitors should expect to see fewer tables and social distancing of groups of residents and their families.
  11. No physical contact will be allowed between residents and visitors; not even a brief embrace or kiss at the beginning and end of the visit.
  12. No game or card playing will be allowed.
  13. No vending machine use is currently allowed. No outside food or drinks will be allowed in.
  14. Our outdoor visitation area is presently not open.
  15. Once a visit has concluded, all areas/surfaces will be sanitized.
  16. Prior to visiting the facility, visitors are encouraged to review the Standard Visitation Guidelines in addition to the Current Supplemental Visitation Guidelines listed here.

Warden Hazel M. Peterson

Warden Hazel M. Peterson

Warden Peterson began her career with the Kansas Department of Corrections in November of 1992 when she was hired to work in the kitchen at the Norton Correctional Facility. She remained in food service until May of 1996 when she was selected to serve as a Corrections Counselor I. After serving as a Corrections Counselor I for two years, she was promoted to Corrections Counselor II in May of 1998 and later became a Corrections Manager I in May of 2004. In October of 2010, she was promoted to Corrections Manager II. On February 25, 2018, she was selected to serve as the facility’s Deputy Warden and served in this capacity until assuming her new role as Warden in October of 2019.

Hazel has valuable experience in the development and delivery of cognitive services and programming and has been selected to assist and lead many statewide initiatives aligning with classification processes, re-entry, and cognitive-based programming. She attended Barton County Community College, completed the Kansas Department of Corrections Leadership Academy, and has nearly 30 years of experience in the field of Corrections.